Orange cosmos seed
Interested in giving botanical dyes a try? One seed packet it enough to get you started. Each of the varieties I have for sale are easy to grow and easy for learning seed-saving.
Cosmos can be started indoors, but works well for direct sowing after danger of frost has passed. Harvest flowers at their peak bloom. Can be dried. Harvest ripe seed for replanting the next year.
Interested in giving botanical dyes a try? One seed packet it enough to get you started. Each of the varieties I have for sale are easy to grow and easy for learning seed-saving.
Cosmos can be started indoors, but works well for direct sowing after danger of frost has passed. Harvest flowers at their peak bloom. Can be dried. Harvest ripe seed for replanting the next year.
Interested in giving botanical dyes a try? One seed packet it enough to get you started. Each of the varieties I have for sale are easy to grow and easy for learning seed-saving.
Cosmos can be started indoors, but works well for direct sowing after danger of frost has passed. Harvest flowers at their peak bloom. Can be dried. Harvest ripe seed for replanting the next year.